About Apotheonic Labs

The cobbler's children go barefoot.

Please excuse the mess: as the old saw proclaims, the cobbler's children go barefoot. As an IT consultancy, Apotheonic Labs has somehow managed to neglect the necessity of creating a fancy Web presence for itself. Development is currently in progress.

more than you needed to know

Apotheonic Labs is a sole proprietorship, owned and operated by Chad Perrin. It is based in Fort Collins, Colorado, regularly voted America's best place to live in a number of different publications, though the work done by AL serves clients thousands of miles away.

Chad grew up around computers before that was normal, or even easy. He has been the first employee of the Wikimedia Foundation as its datacenter technician, a system and network administrator, and a Web developer, as well as an IT consultant and writer, in his professional life. Personal projects have included involvement in and support for Linux User Groups, open source software projects, programming language online communities, and local civic organizations, in addition to the constant queue of individual pursuits waiting to consume more of his free time.

In addition to Apotheonic Labs, Chad's current professional work includes outsource consulting for Data Based Technologies and writing articles for TechRepublic -- primarily for the IT Security Weblog. Less on the professional front, he also pontificates regularly on matters of technology, philosophy, business, and politics at his personal Weblog.