Services Provided by Apotheonic Labs

The cobbler's children go barefoot.

Please excuse the mess: as the old saw proclaims, the cobbler's children go barefoot. As an IT consultancy, Apotheonic Labs has somehow managed to neglect the necessity of creating a fancy Web presence for itself. Development is currently in progress.


Your information technology resources should be of significant value to you. They can provide tremendous improvements to your efficiency and convenience in our increasingly networked and automated world. Approaching the implementation and maintenance of your IT resources without appropriate care can produce a disorganized mess and an unacceptable point of vulnerability for your operations, however. It can lead to a loss of control over your own information.

Apotheonic Labs does not provide legal advice and conformance auditing. Once you are certain of the legal status of your systems, however, you have only taken the first step toward ensuring your autonomy with regard to information technology resources. Autonomy comes from the ancient Greek for "self-rule", and in current terms it means independence and integrity.

The three characteristics of your information resources that are key to maintaining autonomy are Stability, Security, and Privacy. The services that are provided by Apotheonic Labs help establish and maintain those three characteristics for your IT resources.

Among these services are: