Apotheonic Labs: Whitepapers

The cobbler's children go barefoot.

Please excuse the mess: as the old saw proclaims, the cobbler's children go barefoot. As an IT consultancy, Apotheonic Labs has somehow managed to neglect the necessity of creating a fancy Web presence for itself. Development is currently in progress.

whitepapers as they should be

The term "whitepaper" refers to an authoritative report on a subject area in which the author possesses noteworthy expertise. The purpose of a whitepaper is to educate the reader in practical matters so he or she can make informed decisions.

In practice, the term has been corrupted through its abuse by corporate business entities. Especially in the IT industry, the term "whitepaper" is all too often synonymous with "advertisement". Industry dominating corporations produce materials that play upon the reader's desire to feel smarter than the average bear, and they abuse the trust the reader places in an organization perceived as reputable and authoritative. By putting on airs of impartiality, otherwise blatant marketing materials can be well hidden within nominally educational content.

Whitepapers in the IT industry have become soiled by the dishonest intentions of consultancies and vendors out to make a fast buck at any ethical cost, and might appear to the discerning reader to be more of a grime-tainted gray rather than the white they claim to be.

At Apotheonic Labs, we have no interest in further corrupting the term. Any whitepapers we produce will be intended for the edification of the reader. No dirty marketing tricks will be allowed to slip in. These whitepapers will make no excuses, nor will they pull any punches, and they certainly will not be written to deceive the reader. We intend our whitepapers to be as clean and white as possible.

These are whitepapers as they should be.